Yoga Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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Yoga, orthodox Hindu, and Buddhism, non-orthodox, are sister philosophies which evolved in the same spiritual culture of ancient India. We typically associate Yoga and Buddhism as one, as these two different philosophies or traditions use many of the same terms and follow very similar principles and practices. As many evoke assumptions that Buddhism is a central tradition and Yoga is labeled as the meditation practice, these two Eastern Indian philosophies were sparked by two different ideologies and founders. As they may seem identical in nature, as well as, share many similarities, both traditions distinguish themselves separate and far more different than many would expect, particularly with regard to their different views on existence of self, the soul and God. Yoga is a practice derived from the Hindu religion and is closely…show more content…
This is achieved by practicing the Noble Eightfold Path, thus escaping what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Nirvana offers a spiritual cleansing that is rarely attained here on earth. This is very similar to what is achieved by yoga but the conduits used to get there are much different. The main differences between the two systems are over their cosmic view and way of practice. Vedic systems are built upon fundamental principles like the Self, the Creator, and Godhead. Buddhism rejects all such inferior principles as mere creations of the mind itself. In this regard Vedic systems are more idealistic and Buddhism systems more about your human consciousness. Both these practices are aiming to achieve the same kind of spiritual state. As a participant you are aiming to cleanse all things foreign to the soul and channel a focus that leads to a positive application in life. Yoga channels the physical aspect of the body to aim for nirvana while Buddhism channels the mental aspect of the mind. Fundamentally these are really no different from each

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