Yellow Wallpaper Woman

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In “The Yellow Wallpaper” the women deals with nervous issues, she gets nervous or worried about everything. Her husband John being a doctor decided that rest would be the best for her. John rented out an old house in a calm place for her to focus on relaxing and making herself better. Their new room in this house she did not like, she had a weird feeling about the house as a whole but more importantly this particular room. The room consisted of a yellow color, crazy printed wallpaper, and the room itself being a nursery all let up to her breakdown at the end of the story. Early in the story the women brings up the color of the wallpaper in her new room, it pops out to her as a color she does not particularly like. “Yellow helps with self-definition…show more content…
She tracks the curves and circles and creates images of women being stuck inside the wallpaper.”The outside pattern I mean, and the woman behind it is as plain as can be. I didn't realize for a long time what the thing was that showed behind, that dim sub-pattern, but now I am quite sure it is a woman” (Wallpaper ). She later starts to put a lot of attention into these women stuck in the wallpaper; it becomes so intriguing to her. She dedicates all her time to finding why the woman is stuck, “Her refusal to accept the wallpaper as either ugly or meaningless is a representation of the tenacity of her own character, which can yield to such outside constraints as a prison nursery but will never surrender its right to remain outside interpretation, as does the wallpaper” (Environment). Her obsession with constantly following the wallpaper brought her deeper and deeper into her…show more content…
The feeling as of a child locked in its crib for the night with no way out till someone comes to check on her. The more attention she pays the room the stronger she feels about being stuck. She is constantly being watched, taken care of, and being told what to do by her husband and his sister, Jenny. This lack of independence makes her rely more on the room for company, “I’m getting really fond of the room in spite of the wallpaper. Perhaps because of the wall-paper. It dwells in my mind so!” (Wallpaper 5). The room itself is taking over her mind, and her will to get
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