Wrist Injury Case Study

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Athlete B plays volleyball on a regular basis with at least two to three hours daily on the court. She is a star player and nationally ranked Her goal is to obtain an NCAA scholarship that will enable her to play in college. Unfortunately, Athlete B suffered an agonizing wrist injury during the championship volleyball tournament. This occurred when she was blocking the volleyball and happened to collide with another teammate and collapsed. She “caught” with her hand as a natural human instinct. This incident resulted in Athlete B fracturing her wrist as well as injury ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves. In addition, a sudden landing on the wrist usually will also cause a fracture in the distal radius. Athlete B fractured her scaphoid.…show more content…
In fact, females playing at high school level volleyball have a 35.6% chance of injuring ankles or feet, 16.2% chance of injuring their hips, thighs and legs, 15.8% of injuring wrists or hands, 48.6% chance of sprains and 25.5% chance of strains. Hitters and blockers, such as Athlete B, can experience tendonitis in the wrist due to the overuse of the wrist. Wrist injuries, such as Athlete B’s, are not exclusive to the sport of volleyball. Australian olympian Sally Pearson suffered a complicated fracture in two areas of the wrist, the ulna and the radius after tripping over the fifth hurdle in the Diamond league meet. To add on to the pain, Pearson also suffered from a dislocation. The cause of this tragedy was that after tripping on the fifth hurdle, Pearson made an attempt to catch herself by extending her left hand. The wrist absorb the pressure caused from the fall which resulted in the wrist

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