Would You Want To Know When You Are Going To Die Essay

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Would you like to know when you are going to die? Most of the people afraid to die to include me. Every living thing in the Earth undergoes death and death is the final gateway of our life. Some people want to know when they are going to die but some people don’t. Both things have pros and cons. Although it could induce frustration, despair, and sorrow, I would want to know when I am going to die because accomplish to live a meaningful life, gives a chance to say goodbye to my fellows, and it provides a time to ready and prepare for my death. First of all, if I know when I am going to die, I can accomplish to live a meaningful life. Many people trying to achieve their dream. And many of them withhold or give up what they want to do. In my opinion, live a meaningful life is live without any regrets and enjoy the life. But people abandon their desire. If people know when they die, their mind will be changed because they don’t have much time to enjoy the life and achieve their dream. They will use their time to what they really want to do. And I would act same as this example. I will…show more content…
People can’t know when they are going to die. But if I know when I am going to die, I can make a plan of our death. Also, I can die peacefully if I know when I am going to die. In addition, I can choose the style of funeral and location. In Korea, we have two funeral styles cremation and burial. If I don’t know when I am going to die, I can’t choose the style of funeral and location. Before die, I can apologize and forgive the people. This apologize and forgive makes me carefree and be prepared for death. Moreover, this notification allows to get enough time to write a will. To write a will is important because a will is my last order to my family or friends. If I didn’t write a will, my family can argue each other because of my property. Therefore, I would want to know when I am going to die to ready and prepare for

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