Working Conditions In The Workplace Between 1910-1930's

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From the start, women have never been treated equally in the work place. Men have always been held at a higher position in the work place. Women have always been put on the back burner when it came to men. Men were able to obtain higher rankings in certain occupations, always had the higher pay, and worked in better working conditions. In the years 1910 to 1930 the working conditions for women in the workplace were unethical. These women did not receive fair treatment when it came to the different positions they could obtain, their working conditions, and also the little pay for the long hard days at work. It was a known fact during the time period from 1910-1930 that women could not obtain the same jobs at men. Men here held as a superior…show more content…
These women faced dangerous working conditions every time they step foot into the factories they ended up working in. Many of these women faced different health issue due to the fact these conditions were so dangerous. Women often worked in places that were not sanitary. They often worked in places that did not have the proper type of ventilations that led to major health complications, according to Mary N. Winslow . During this time women demanded better working conditions or they would no longer work in the factories they were working. According to Winslow, these women demanded working conditions that included adequate washing facilities, adequate and sanitary toilet accommodations; dressing rooms, rest rooms, and lunch rooms; clean workrooms with carefully adjusted lighting, ventilation, and heating; plentiful and sanitary drinking facilities; chairs, machines, and work tables adjusted so that workers can either stand or sit at their work; carefully guarded machinery; elimination of the necessity for constant standing or other posture causing physical strain, repeated lifting of heavy weights or other abnormally fatiguing motions, and the operation of mechanical devices requiring undue strength; exposure to excessive cold, or to dust, fumes, or other occupational poisons without adequate safeguards against disease3. All of these demands were put into place due to the result of a factory catching on fire due to the fact they were not under safe working conditions and also were not in a facility with adequate fire safety regulations. The result of this factory fire was almost all of the women burned to death or fell to death. This left a lot of women concerned and livid about how they were not put in proper working conditions. This also led to result of a strike for

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