Women's Right To Birth Control Margaret Sanger Summary

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Women’s and Their Rights to Birth Control Introduction In an article titled “Women’s Right to Birth Control” by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in this article Sanger refers to the Comstock Law of 1873, which proscribed women from obtaining information about birth control and birth control devices. Sanger believed that women should have been given a choice of whether they wanted to have children or not. However, women today can go to their health provider and not only get birth control, but they can also get information about birth control. Women on birth control are not freeing themselves from bondage, should not be encouraged or discouraged by not having a spouse, and have not exploited men by being on birth control. Women Being Enslaved Over thousands of women today are on birth control, because of their right to choose if they want to be on birth control or not. Sanger (2003) observed, “women herself has wrought that bondage through her reproductive powers and while enslaving herself has enslaved the world” (para.1). There should be no argument whether women should be allowed to be on birth control, or that she is enslaving herself. Women on birth control have every right to be. Women should not feel compelled to not be on birth control, or feel like they have…show more content…
Sanger (2003) stated, “If she does not attain to an unrestricted choice of a mate, she is still in a position to be enslaved through her reproductive powers” (para.4). With that being said, many women all over the world today are raising children without the help of a man. No woman should ever be forced to have a spouse or a mate to raise their children. Women can do things all on their own, they should not be forced into anything that they do not feel comfortable with. Although, it is not ideal for a woman to raise a child without a spouse, it is happening all over the world

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