Women's Contribution To World War I

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World War I was a special time in history that was mostly known for the soldiers that fought and how they contributed to the war, although, it was much more than that. It was an important time for change for everyone, especially women. World War I to the 1920s was a critical time for the history of women’s rights; it changed society’s views about women and their rights, their role in society, as well as many rights they obtained throughout the era. Society’s views on women were always strict, they always had to earn the perspective of others, and it never came easy. First off women were always overseen by all men but especially by the government. They were overseen because men did not think they were important, women were never taken seriously…show more content…
They started taking over men’s jobs when they were at war. Some jobs they took over were running farmland, taking over family businesses, small everyday shops, and many other jobs. The most popular jobs women started to take over were factory jobs. Over 3,500 Canadian women worked in factories. The women enjoyed going out to work and taking over men’s jobs as it was something they were not used to. Doing this made them feel in power and a sense of freedom as they were never granted opportunities like this. Women went from housewives to munition factory workers, but they still had the task of being a housewife. They especially had to be there for the children as they were missing their fathers at war, and their mothers always working. In this situation many of the older daughters started taking on the mother’s role. This was difficult to balance at times for women because even though they were getting work opportunities they still had their previous responsibilities of being a housewife. Women had to manage both the role of a housewife and a worker, yet still help out with the war. Other ways they helped out with the war was by making care packages for the soldiers, sending letters, food, making bandages, and sewing warm socks for them. They contributed as much as they could to the war while trying to balance their other mandatory tasks in such a tough economy and time. Even though women took over men’s jobs and did the…show more content…
With women fighting for jobs and developing their skills, jobs opened up for women. Women started using their developed skills to get their rights and allowed them to work out of their house. The Act of 1919 was passed which made it illegal to exclude middle class women from jobs. Many acts that were passed at this time concerning women were all positive acts that helped women and their rights. Another act that was passed was the Eligibility Woman Act; this allowed women to be elected for parliament. None of the acts that were passed undermined women. Instead it was the opposite allowing women freedom and rights that they were fighting

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