Wilson's Guidance Of Paul In The Book Of Acts

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According to Wilson, the book of Acts portrays the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the travels and ministry of Paul by way of prophets and angels, who give specific instructions to follow during his journey. Along Paul’s journey, he is prompted by the Holy Spirit during several occasions to either began something new, change directions, or just sit and wait for instructions. In his paper, Wilson discusses several, significant examples of how the Holy Spirit interacted with Paul during his journeys; I will briefly discuss a few of them that stood out to me. Wilson sates, “Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus became a foundational spiritual experience for his life.” I too believe this too be true. Paul was en route to persecute Christians, however he was knocked down to the ground and sent into the city by the Lord our God. This is what I like to call divine intervention. In the midst of our turning away and wrong doing the Holy Spirit will remind of us of himself and will direct our path. The Holy Spirit also used Ananias to witness to Paul. Some individuals feel that…show more content…
Paul completed this walk in solitude, and it is both mine and Wilson’s opinion that this was Paul’s chance to pray asking for guidance and strength, just as his Lord had done in the Garden before being persecuted “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Paul was warned several times that the Jews would persecute him in Judea. His friends and others around him tried to persuade him to turn back but he knew God’s will and was determined to follow through with the instructions given. Paul spent alone time with the Holy Spirit, asking for guidance, he put his flesh aside, and was assured he was doing what was right. This Assos gave him the confirmation needed to continue his journey although he knew what trouble lied ahead. I believe that during this time the Holy Spirit was truly his

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