William Falkner Biography

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Born on September 25th, 1897,in New Albany, Mississippi, William Falkner was named in honor of his great-grandfather ("World Biography") . Falkner grows up and spends most of his life in Oxford ,Mississippi as the oldest of four Brothers ("World Biography"). Both parents coming from wealthy families reduced to poverty by war ("World Biography"). William's father owned a store, a stable and later became a business manager of the state university ("World Biography").William did not attend public school consistently; he left school before graduation in order to work in his grandfather's bank ("World Biography"). William never earned his high school diploma despite being an enthusiastic reader and a admirer of poetry ("World Biography").In 1918,…show more content…
He watches in the direction of his father and his opponent Mr. Harris, although he cannot see them ("Barn Burning" pg 1). He listens to the Justice of Peace ask Mr. Harris for proof that Mr. Snopes, Sartoris's father, burned down the Harris's barn ("Barn Burning" pg 1). Harris explains that on multiple occasions Snope's hog had broken through the fence and rummaged through the cornfields ("Barn Burning" pg 1). The final time, when Harris demanded money to return the hog , the black gentleman who fetched the hog gave Mr. Harris a warning that wood and hay are combustible ("Barn Burning" pg 1). Later Harris's barn burned to the ground, the judge argues that it is not proof ("Barn Burning"). In court Mr. Harris has Satoris called testify before the court("Barn Burning" pg 1). After lying, the judge asks Mr. Harris if he'd like to have the boy cross-examined but Harris snarls to have the boy removed ("Barn Burning" pg 1). The next day, after leaving town, the family arrives at its new home ("Barn Burning" pg 2). Snopes takes Sartoris aside to the house of Major de Spain, the owner of the land that they now live on("Barn Burning" pg

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