Why We Should Allow Guns On College Campuses

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We all thought that schools are a safe place for our children to go till the most horrific shooting in recorded history happened at Virginia Tech, when a senior shot and killed 23 people and wounded 17 others on campus. This shocked nation and raise questions on the debate on gun control and if colleges should allow guns on campuses. Today, most Colleges and Universities prohibit guns on school campuses, the federal law has no say on the topic. Having a gun on campus runs the risk of having an accidental gun going off, prevalence of drugs and alcohol, risk of suicide and mental health issues. If I know someone in my class had a gun it would be hard for me to stay focused and not worry about anything happen is someone said the wrong to one another.…show more content…
If a student is under the influence of drugs and or alcohol with a live firearm they are more likely to use the weapon in the wrong way and may harm them self and or other around them. Studies show that students with gun are the ones to drink more, take illegal drugs, and cause problems with the police. There have been cases of suicides on college campuses involving guns, though out the years. Studies have shown that there is a 90% success rate of a suicide when there is access to a firearm. Colleges should be asking for medical background information on students that own a firearm. There is more of a risk of a mass shooting if a student that has mental health problems with a gun on campus. Suicidal attackers cannot be deterred. The perpetrators of mass shootings are nearly always suicidal, and end up taking their own lives at the end of their

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