Why Teachers Wear High Heels Essay

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A survey was conducted on teachers of Giliga-on Elementary School to find out whether they felt back pain or any other possible form of discomfort they felt after wearing high heels. The survey also intended to gain information about the daily activities and daily diet that the teachers followed. Lastly, the researchers would like to discern the reason why teachers wear high heels often. The survey contained ten (10) questions, four (4) of which emphasized about wearing high heels, five (5) questions stressed on the daily diet and activities that could possibly prevent any form of discomfort in the back or other parts of the body. The final question asked why teachers prefer to wear high heels in their working place. Out of thirteen (13) respondents that composed of all the teachers in the school, 85% wear high heels oftentimes, while 15% wear the footwear always. With regards to the number of inches of heels that was worn by the respondents, two (2) inched heels came first with 46% of the respondents’ answer followed by three (3) inched heels with 31% and lastly, one (1) inched heels with 23%. In terms of the number of hours the teachers had to wear the footwear, 8% answered that they had to wear it for two to three (2-3) hours while 15% had to wear it for four to five (4-5 hours) and seven to eight (7-8)…show more content…
Furthermore, the survey questionnaire required the respondents to answer approximately how many hours they performed the exercises daily. 61% said that they performed their preferred form exercise twice daily while 15% exercised for once a day. On the other hand, 8% said that they perform for three, four and five or more times

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