Why Soccer Is Important To Me

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Many people have favorite hobbies or sports that they like, mine is soccer. When I first began playing, I was eleven and didn’t like sports in general. Something about being outside kicking around a ball from the time the sun had risen to the time that the sun was set didn’t appeal to me one bit. There wasn’t a bad experience that made me not like soccer. I just didn’t think I’d like playing it since I didn’t like watching it. I thought that soccer was like little kids chasing after a ball the way a cat would. I knew I was a human, and not a cat. My last game was when I finally realized I liked playing the game. I never gave playing soccer a chance because I hated watching it, but a lot of my friends now that are athletes prefer playing the sport than actually watching it. This was one of the good days to play. It wasn’t too cold and it wasn’t too hot. During soccer season it’s…show more content…
We didn’t, but because we finally learned we shouldn’t hate each other for being too good or if we sucked. We learned to use our abilities. I don’t remember much from the game or that day. I remember that on that day I was playing goalie, which had become my permanent spot over the course of a few days. One of my coaches always said that everyone had a good spot and a bad spot when it came to positions. The good players who thought that they were good at position, some found that they couldn’t catch the ball or they couldn’t defend well enough because they liked being the star player of the team. Once I realized I could play a spot and I wasn’t that bad at it I realized I was good at something; just not good enough to be like the players who had played since they were little. I was a in between player. I had my good days and my bad days. Some days I could catch the ball and others I couldn’t. People learned to accept us not so good players. Even if we were the reason we missed a goal or kicked the ball to a player on another

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