Why People Joined The Great War

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Reasons why people joined the great war World war one also called the great war as we all know started at the end of july 1914, and was not over till 1918, and that was when it was fully peaceful. The countries that had most powers were Germany, Bulgaria, russia, japan and italy. The war affected alot of people around the world since it was a global war. how ever it affected women in a good way but also in a bad way. the good ways were that they slowly had the same right as men and got the opporunity to work as hard as men did. Which we can call womens right. The reason behind womens right was that six million men were mobilised. So the women had to do the men’s jobs and hard work, women were making money more than ever. Basically thats the reason behind why life got easier for women after the war. women in the war created and gained profile and equal rights. However life were still pretty though for most of the people beacuse of that people were forced to join the great war.…show more content…
people from a certain age were forced to join as an concription, which meant that you have to join the military when you reach a certain age. Propaganda was another reason for people to join, which basically was used to motivate people tp join the world war one by for example being told to save their own country by joining the military. The people who did not join the world war was being mad fun of by calling them cowards. They felt ashamed of staying home because of what people would say about the ones that did not join the war. most of the people who got called coward were under

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