Why Is Sweatshop Good Or Bad

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There are many arguments on whether Multinational factories (sweatshop) are good or bad for people working in them and there are anti-globalists and globalists who debate on each side. Sweatshop can be defined as any factory where workers are employed at low wages and made to work long hours to make products for big companies. The word itself has a bad meaning but these factories in the poor countries, have proven to be a boon for the citizens. Multinational Factories (MNFs) create employment opportunities and increase economic growth in the long term and they also benefit the developed countries to reduce their cost of production. Many may argue that MNFs do more damage than good but I believe that the benefits of MNFs outweigh the costs associated…show more content…
In the article Noble Feat of Nike the author Norberg says that the people are hoping for more factories to open up so that everyone else can be employed and earn more money. Majority of citizens are working in conditions that are worse than dump. As the demands of products increases for big companies, so does the need for cheap labor and many people can get a chance to work in factories and improve their living standards. Many developed countries open factories in poor countries because they have a very low minimum wage. This is one of the benefits of free trade where every country can offer what it is best at in exchange for the other country’s product. For poor countries this product is cheap labor. It is not always a bad thing as they get increased employment opportunities and improved employment conditions with benefits of a good salary and subsidised meals. Even if other people may think that this is exploitation, the workers get paid at least three times more than the minimum wage provided by any government offered jobs in their country. For such people factories are a blessing. So they often wait and pray for factories opening in their countries so that they can improve their lives and help their relatives and friends to do the same.This is why I believe that MNFs are a boon to the workers in these…show more content…
In the article Noble Feat of Nike the author Norberg has given an example of how Nike factories in Vietnam have helped workers earn more and improve their standard of living. He talks about workers who have been in Nike factories had to walk and after three years they can afford bicycles. These people earn five times more than they would get at a government job. The first people working in these factories can now afford to buy their own cars. This is a huge difference for poor countries as it means people are not only making their enough for daily expenses but they can also save. The author gives many examples of how works appreciate all that big companies are doing for them. When the number of people working in MNFs increase so does all of their income. There are many people who have been able to raise their standard of living and income drastically. This helps overall economic growth. Increase in MNFs will result in the increase in kids getting education and earning more which reduces the number of uneducated and unemployed people in the country thus increasing the whole country’s

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