Why Is Siddhartha Difficult To Enlightenment?

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Siddhartha (1922), the most famous and influential novel by German author Hermann Hesse. The novel narratives a journey of an adolescent Brahman's son, Siddhartha, who disobeys his father's tradition in favor of wandering India in search of enlightenment. Throughout the novel, protagonist Siddhartha struggles to reach enlightenment. Siddhartha encounters the feeling of suffering, pain, and desire, but, with perseverance, Siddhartha was able to surmount his suffering by utilizing his sapient from the Brahmans, samanas, the edification of Gautama and the peregrination in the materialist world. Themes shift within the novel, themes such as an outcast of society, repudiation of ascendancy, communion with nature, recalcitrance toward schooling,…show more content…
There are several reasons that support this claim. To begin with, Siddhartha believes actions speak louder than words. In Addition, Siddhartha additionally believes perfection comes from experience. Most importantly, both Siddhartha and Gautama express "Love" as a substratum for enlightenment. Siddhartha believes actions speak louder than words. Siddhartha reflects that the Buddha's secret to enlightenment cannot be taught. In the Kamala chapter, Siddhartha realizes that the, "Buddha's treasure and secret was not the teaching, but rather the ineffable and unteachable things that he had experienced at the very moment of his enlightenment - it was this, this very thing, that he was now setting forth to experience, that he was not beginning" (Hesse 38). Siddhartha realizes that the qualities he admired and trusted in Gautama are the qualities of action, not the words of his teaching. This analysis can be compared to a roller coaster ride. When an individual asks, "How did it feel?" Conventionally someone says, "It is indescribable". The person has to get on the ride for himself in order to congruously experience it. The International Standard Bible states, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth" (John.…show more content…
A love in which Gautama is incognizant about in his teaching. Siddhartha explains to Govinda that Love has become one of the greatest things, but Govinda reminds him that the Buddha teaches other forms instead of love. Siddhartha's philosophy toward love is the only reality. Siddhartha tells Govinda in the Govinda chapter, "For I cannot deny that my words about love contradict, or seemingly contradict, Gotama's words. That is just the reason I so mistrust words, for I know this contradiction is an illusion. I know that I am in agreement with Gotama" (Hesse 114). This passage illustrates that Siddhartha and Gautama's love is the same, but their words are different because they are both saying two different sides to the same thing. By saying only half of it like they both do it would make sense, but if they said the whole thing it would contradict itself even though in reality it does not. For this reason, Siddhartha distrusts

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