Why I Chose College Research Paper

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School has not always been my forte. When I was younger, in fact, school was more of a chore than anything. I did not know what the purpose of school was. Why did I need to graduate high school? What was the purpose of college? Yet, despite these questions that flourished in my head, I had a strong desire to make my parents proud of me and I wanted to be able to secure a job with a good income that would provide me a modest security in life. I realized quickly, that while school may appear to be a chore at times, doing well in school was a necessity in order to obtain the job that I wanted. I also realized that without the job I wanted, it was a possibility I would not acquire the lifestyle I desired as well. So, I decided definitively to buckle down and give my best at school, take the temporary pain and struggle, in order to receive the long-term gift of a secure lifestyle.…show more content…
I used my plans for the future to fuel the fire and to keep me focused on my schoolwork even when I would have preferred spending time with my friends, dating, etc. While in high school I also tutored for four years. Tutoring allowed me to take a leadership role in my own educational journey and also help someone else in the process. Now that I’ve reached the university level, I plan to continue my goals by maintaining focus on my goal, which is a future career in aviation management. I plan on giving my full attention to my classes by attending class regularly, studying rigorously, and completing coursework to receive the grades I need to be successful. Until I graduate, my primary focus is on schoolwork and being the best student I can be. That is the only path that will inevitably lead to me obtaining the dream job that leads to my

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