Why Extraordinary Confinement Should Be Considered Cruel Penalty

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Subject: Proposal to write a research paper on why solitary confinement should be considered cruel and unusual punishment Introduction: Crime will always be an issue in the society we live in. People get punished for the crimes they commit by being sent to jail or prison, at least on the legal side of things. However, while inmates are in prison they need to be protected from other inmates. The punishment for the crime is the sentence itself not a physical attack from another inmate. It’s the prisons duty to protect individual’s rights, yes on a more restricted level, but nonetheless they guaranteed some civil liberties. My thesis, that solitary confinement should be considered cruel and unusual punishment, is an academically engaging and controversial issue. There has and probably always will be studies on the effects of solitary confinement on one’s brain and psyche. I will use the research and data I uncover to build my argument, that solitary confinement should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. Presentation:…show more content…
If I were to get a job as a prison guard, at let’s say, Anamosa, my job would be to protect not only the other guards, but inmates too, as well as defend the constitution of the United States. I would like to know if solitary confinement does truly effect an inmate, to the extent of causing brain trauma that is irreversible. I want to understand what solitary confinement actually does to a human. That being said I won’t be volunteering to go through such an experience, but instead I’ll use the research of many others to base my argument off of. If I find my thesis to be true, which I believe it is, it could, and most likely will change the way I would implement using such a tool as solitary confinement considerably, when discretion is

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