Why Are Japanese Internment Camps Necessary

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Internment camps are a dark reminder of how a minority of people can be mistreated by a majority in a country. The United States of America disrespected the constitutional rights of its people by taking away the rights of an entire ethnic group without any proof of wrongdoing or just cause. This invasion of liberty took place only seventy-five years ago. While some claim that World War II made these camps necessary, many now think that they were wrong and unjust. Oftentimes, the subject of racism comes into play when the motives for these camps are scrutinized. Sadly, the people placed in internment camps suffered from their experience, and it certainly made them less trustful of the United States. The camps claimed to be a defense against Japanese espionage, although no one of Japanese descent was ever charged with this crime during…show more content…
The Japanese-Americans were forced to leave their hometowns to live in unfavorable conditions, despite having done nothing but be born into a certain race. The emotional and physical stress placed on these people was harsh and unrelenting even after the war’s end. It broke the spirit of an entire group of harmless and loyal Americans. This was certainly not the goal of the internment camps when they were created. Of course, a main reason for the creation was popular public demand and pressure on the government itself. Despite this fact, war or no war, there was no excuse for such a horrid display of leadership from the nation. The camps violated the Japanese-Americans constitutional rights by taking away the freedoms they had previously enjoyed. Even though they had done nothing against the United States of America during World War II, they were still punished for things they might have done in the future. During World War II, Japanese-Americans were taken and placed into squalid internment camps, which were morally wrong and

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