Why Are Books Important

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Books are no longer important. "Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home." Anna Quindlen (1998). Books are so important even when time passes. Furthermore, books always be like a friend that never lets you down. Nowadays, the internet is spread in everywhere—all people now are using internet instead of books to reach whatever they want to know or do. According to the Book of Life, to be cultured, knowledge, and acquainted with everything, a normal person should have at least read through 6,000 books in a lifetime—30 books each year, whereas actually there are almost 130 million books that have been published in the history of humanity. While, some people may say that the internet is…show more content…
To begin with, books are healthy for an active brain. That means books are extremely useful for maintaining brain health and keeping people away from brain diseases, for example, diseases like dementia, forgetfulness, poor memory, and Alzheimer. Therefore, books can give a protection for the brain not be exposed to such diseases. With that said, when people read books, the brain starts working to understand what is in front of the eyes. In addition, not only does the brain start to work, the eyes also start working to organize the letters and the sentences in order to give the brain an understandable image. Furthermore, when the brain starts working in that way, it is considered as a practice to the brain. Thus, books save the brain from illness. As all people know, the sport is
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