Who Is The Antagonist In Maniac Antigone

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In every story there is an antagonist that is fighting against the main character; this is true for the book Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli. In the first part of the book, Maniac annoys people without realising it. In the second part, Maniac leaves a house he is staying in even though nobody kicked him out and he still wants a home. In the last part of the book, Maniac chooses to stop looking after himself and gives up on life. Maniac is the antagonist in Maniac Magee because he is against himself. In the first part of the book Maniac annoys people without realising it; causing people to become annoyed and angry at Maniac. One example of that is when it says “He couldn’t see that Mars Bar disliked him, maybe even hated him” (Page 57). This shows me that he doesn’t understand people’s feelings and what causes someone to become annoyed at him. Another example of that is when Maniac ate the Mars Bar’s Mars Bar and he didn’t realise that Mars Bar’s offer is sarcastic and that it would’ve made him mad. Lastly, when Maniac starts trash talking to Mrs. Beale, she got mad and slapped him. Maniac didn’t realise that trash talking her would make her mad, even though most people would’ve. Throughout the first part of the book, Maniac annoyed and angered kids without realising it and without wanting to, making people become angered at him.…show more content…
One example of that is when Maniac refuses to live with Grayson at the YMCA. Maniac chooses not to live with Grayson because of his fear of being hurt. Maniac probably would have had a better life at the YMCA, than he does in the shed. Then, later Maniac runs away from Grayson’s funeral. It probably would’ve given him closure that he is never hurt by Grayson and he can continue to have a normal life if he had stayed. In part two, Maniac refused to have a proper home and to have closure, even though those things would make him

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