Who Is Mr. Jones Guilty

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On Monday morning, Sikes Jones’ body was found in his home. An autopsy revealed that he died from a snake bite. Delia Jones, his wife, was found to be aware of the situation and failed to aid him. Because of her actions, she has been charged with his murder. However, we found her to be not guilty on account of the following: there is an alarming lack of evidence for a murder, and Mrs. Jones suffered from Battered Spouse Syndrome. Due to the fact that we do not know the exact details of Mr. Jones’ death, there is insufficient evidence that a murder took place. A murder, by definition, means that one has killed another. Thus, the evidence is insufficient to prove Mrs. Jones guilty because it cannot prove that she killed her husband. Firstly, we can assume Mrs. Jones did not intend to kill her husband with the snake. We know this because of several critical factors, one being that Mrs. Jones was not the person who put the snake in the house. Mr. Jones put it there in order to taunt his wife, as he…show more content…
Jones’ acts were her suffering from Battered Spouse Syndrome. It is obvious that Mr. Jones behaved abusively toward his wife, and this treatment resulted in the alteration of Mrs. Jones’ mindset. Essentially, she was not in her right mind at the time of her husband’s death, due to an escalation of her suffering. Because of this, she was justified in refusing to enter the house, despite the fact that she heard her husband calling out for her. Because of the physical, verbal, and psychological abuse she suffered, Mrs. Jones was simply not willing to put herself at risk for her husband’s sake. The existence of the situation proves the extent to which Mr. Jones abused her. He intentionally placed a venomous snake where he knew it would be likely to strike Mrs. Jones, in her laundry basket. All of the circumstances point to the fact that the entire event took place because of Mr. Jones’ abusive behavior: his own murder plot was what killed

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