Who Is Inevitable In Engel's Case Study?

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This book presented some good and bad point. The research evidence listed in this book employed a great amount of case histories. Even though single case studies are beneficial because they can provide info that an experimental design could not there are disadvantages that are inevitable. Because case studies are using only one person, it is hard to apply this to bigger population. It is hard to tell if the case study was the exception or not. Even though Engel does cite other sources, she does not cite any research, tending only to cite other authors, newspaper articles and even sources such as Ann Landers. The research that Engel happened to talk about was not given any citation or researchers name to give merit (Engel, 1990, ps. 25, 217). It is understandable how she might want to cite popular sources such as Ann Landers to keep the attention of the normal layperson, it would gain more credibility to site research on the subject. Another issue with the book, it was heavy in suggesting that an abusive women learned her abuse by being raised in an abusive household. Throughout the book, she pushes the notion that over controlling, domineering parents are the reason why the victim finds and stays in abusive…show more content…
239), there were some resources that were missing. I feel that Engel should have educated her reader about any dangers that a victim could experience that can harm her physically. There could have been hotline numbers listed that a woman should call if she feels in danger or threatened. Sometimes physical abuse can be associated with emotional abuse and listing resources for that is beneficial. The book is a little dated, as it was published in 1990. However, 911 was in existence and that should have been on the resource list. It is important to note however, that throughout the book, Engel does suggest that the abused should find a therapist and obtain some

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