Who Is Elie Wiesel's 'Never Shall I Forget'

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The poem “Never Shall I Forget” by Elie Wiesel is about Elie Wiesel’s experience during the Holocaust. This piece of literature demonstrates the era of The Modern World because in the period, the timeline includes World War II, which was from 1939 to 1945. The Holocaust was from 1933 to 1945. The main characteristics of The Modern World are war, suffering, and darkness. War was a big event that happened in the earlier part of the Modern World, especially World War II. The writing people did after World War II was very dark and gloomy. Never Shall I Forget is a political work that was influenced because of the Holocaust in the World War II. Elie Wiesel wrote what happened when he was in a concentration camp. Suffering is a big aspect of the

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