Who Is Deborah Escobedo's Waiting At The Curb

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Times are Changing In today’s world we can effortlessly notice that human thinking, values and behaviors are changing during the time. Accordingly, relation between parents and their children is totally different than it was before. A few generations before children have more responsibilities at home and had to listen their parents. Also, there was no TV or internet, so they spend more their free time with their family. In today’s world children have more freedom. Deborah Escobedo in her poem “Waiting at the Curb: Lynwood, California, 1967” shows the image of modern family. The image “Maybe he could lift his hose and spray off this girl child/Who has gone too far. But he rolls the garden hose onto the sling of his arm” emphasizes the relationship between father and his daughter and show the difference between generations.…show more content…
She is an example of modern young girl, who dress very boldly. Her friends are much important for her than her family because she does not care about her father feelings. She is presented at the time when she is going with her friends somewhere. In addition, the title “Waiting at the curb…”could be a sign of hitchhiking or prostitution. It is clearly said that father did not agree with her behavior, but he did not say or do anything. The narrator describe this situation as: “Maybe he could lift his hose and spray off this girl child/Who has gone too far. But he rolls the garden hose onto the sling of his arm”. Debbie’s father has “his hose” which could symbolize behavior’s rules in their family. He could firmly forbid her to wear these clothes or give an order to stay home. Instead of it, he “rolls the garden house…” what could mean that he busied himself with his own affairs. The narrator suggests that maybe he has own problems by saying:” He can’t count on money” and that is why he allow doing his daughter whatever she

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