In the case before us two polygamist husbands transported there multiple wives across state boarders for vacation where they engaged in sexual intercourse. The question before us is whether or not their conviction under the White Slave Traffic Act should be upheld. The court in this case should uphold the conviction of these men under the White Slave Traffic Act. The act can be broken into several parts. In the case it is clear that the husbands in question transported women across state lines. The next part of the White Slave Traffic Act says that the transportation cannot be “for the purpose of prostitution, debauchery of for any other immoral purpose, or […] to induce, entice or compel such women to […] give herself up to debauchery,…show more content… especially in a case like this one when the text its self is not clear. The act was written in a time when cities had problems with illegal relight districts. This could lead one to believe this law was enacted to stop illegal sex work, and other more anonymous interactions that would take place in these areas. The legislators however, added the term “other immoral purposes” which effectively broadened the scope of the act beyond what would happen in a red light district. Additionally polygamous sex could be considered a sex act that is illegal causing it to fall under the umbrella of this act. Even if the legislator did not foresee the act affecting relationships, like those of the appellants, that go beyond “immoral” sex it is clear by the words the legislators meant for the law to expand beyond the mentioned prostitution and even beyond the vague act of debauchery. These two types of intent can be lead to different conclusions. Allowing judges to go so far beyond the text in question to guess not only what legislators wanted to happen creates a system where the words of a text loose there meaning creating an unfair situations for citizens subjected to the law and the law making process shifts giving the judicial branch more power than constitutionally intended, that is law