What Is Test Tube 2: Inappropriate Enzyme Reaction

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Test Tube 1 did not undergo a reaction because of the PTU inhibitor which prevented the substrate-enzyme reaction from taking place (as explained later in the analysis). Test Tube 2 did not undergo a reaction for the same reason. Test Tube 3 did undergo a reaction because of a lack of PTU (inhibitor) between the enzyme and the substrate. Analysis: In Part C, the control tube is 1, and the experimental tubes are test tubes 2 and 3. Test Tube 2 is an experimental tube because it produces a bright orange color - this is because of the addition of the catechol (substrate) and the potato extract (enzyme) that allows for the substrate to attach to the enzyme’s active site. However, in Test Tube 1, no potato extract (source of enzyme) was added, so a reaction between the substrate and the enzyme couldn’t possible occur. On the other hand, in Test Tube 3, no substrate (catechol) was added, so for a different reason, a substrate-enzyme reaction can’t occur - however, Test Tube 3 is an experimental test tube because it involves the addition of the enzyme. Test Tube 1 was a control test tube because Test Tube 1 tested to see if a reaction would occur without the independent variable (enzyme).…show more content…
In Part D, the control test tube is test tube 3 because the inhibitor (PTU) is not present. A reaction occurs, as predicted, because the lack of an inhibitor allows for the substrate to attach to the

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