What Is Rosa Luemburg's Argument Against Dictatorship

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Rosa Luxemburg was known to be a Marxist, political economist, and theorist. She is known for her arguments against dictatorship, emphasizing the necessity of spreading the concept of democracy in which the people were in control. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was considered to be a grassroots revolution. In The Problem of Dictatorship, Luxemburg expresses her disagreements regarding Lenin’s approach to a revolution. She believed Lenin’s strategies for war was suicidal and that “a dictatorial revolution would lead to a dictatorial society.” According to Luxemburg, the ultimate goal of the revolution was freedom; freedom to think differently without being penalized. The concept of freedom in a dictatorial society is what she disagreed with the most. She argued that freedom should not be a “privilege” granted by higher authority. Limited freedom in a society takes away from democracy, which explains her disagreements with Lenin’s beliefs of dictatorial forces in government.…show more content…
In her argument, she stated that remaking a society requires more than pre-determined guidelines for the people to follow. In order to rebuild Russia, it would require mobilization of the support system for the workers since they made up majority of the people. Luxemburg argued against dictatorship and emphasized the need for socialism. She argued that in order to create a socialist society, the people as a whole should make a spiritual transformation. She explains that the rebirth of a nation must come from public life, rather than implemented rules and change amongst particular subgroups in

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