What Does The Wright's House Symbolize

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The Wright’s home symbolizes their own cold, abandoned, loveless marriage. The “gloomy kitchen” (1125) where the entirety of the play is set, is disheveled and unclean, with sticky cupboards, dirty dish towels, and pans strewn about. The county attorney asks Mrs. Hale about her friendship with Minnie, and Mrs. Hale says she hasn’t been to the Wright’s home in years; “It never seemed a very cheerful place” (1128). Like their marriage, the Wright’s house is also very cold. At the start of the play, the characters huddle around the stove to keep warm. Later, Mrs. Peters notes how cold it is while they gather belongings for Minnie. In addition, the county attorney comments on the lack of warmth: “Frank’s fire didn’t do much up there, did it?” (1131). Minnie Foster used to be…show more content…
However, her oppressive marriage to John Wright slowly dulled her zest for life over the years, just like the dying fire in their home. The quilt represents Mrs. Wright’s descent into madness and despair. The first thing Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale notice when they find the quilt is that it is pretty, but unfinished. Upon closer examination, it seems Minnie had gotten a little messy with her stitching: “All the rest of it has been so nice and even. And look at this! It’s all over the place! Why, it looks as if she didn’t know what she was about!” (1131). Like young Minnie Foster, the quilt began as a beautiful, well-intentioned thing. With time, stress and oppression had caused both Minnie, and the quilt, to go completely awry. The birdcage symbolizes Mr. Wright’s harsh, isolating oppression of Minnie. The cage kept the canary locked up, unable to fly as it should, just like Minnie was kept tucked away from enjoying any happiness in life. When Mrs. Hale despairs over not visiting Minnie more, she likens the house to a sort of cage: “I’ve never liked this place. Maybe because it’s down in a hollow and you don’t see the road. I dunno what it is, but it’s a lonesome place

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