Whale Watching Case Study

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Risk Management Plan for Stubbs Island Whale Watching By: Austin Pigeon Part 1: Risk Assessment Report Organizational Context: Stubbs Island Whale Watching is a whale watching company that operates their tours in the Johnstone Strait, Blackfish Sound, and the Broughton Archipelago which are just outside of the small community of Telegraph Cove British Columbia, Canada. They were established in 1980 and were British Columbia’s first business to specifically offer tours with whales as its primary focus. On Stubbs Island Whale Watching Tours, you have a chance of seeing Pinnipeds (Seals and Sea Lions), Marine Invertebrates (Sea Stars, Sea Cucumbers, Anemones, and Nudibranchs), Birds (Bald Eagle, Harlequin Duck, Great Blue Heron, etc.), Fish, Black Bears, River Otters, Deer, or Minks. But what you have the best chance of seeing are Cetaceans (Killer Whales, Minke Whales, Humpback Whales, Pacific White-Sided Dolphins, Dall’s Porpoises, and Harbour Porpoises). Stubbs Island Whale Watching is a premier company to see killer whales with since they are near Robson Bight. Robson Bight is an ecological reserve south of Telegraph Cove at the mouth of Tsitka River. This area is known for Northern Transient Killer Whales because of the abundance of salmon in the area, which are what the…show more content…
While whale watching, the most significant hazard is having someone fall overboard. Even if you tell people not to lean over the railings, they tend to do it anyways because that is the best way to see something over the edge of the boat. Depending on the weather conditions, this can be low to medium probability and depending on the time of year, this can be a medium to high severity. The best way to prevent this from happening is to have a thorough safety talk before hand with your guests and go over what to do in the event of someone going

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