Western Alienation Analysis

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a. In Canadian politics, Western alienation is the notion that the Western provinces – British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba – have been alienated, and in extreme cases excluded, from mainstream Canadian political affairs in favor of the central provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Due to the increase of oil , Trudeau introduce the National Economy program which intended to increase Canadian ownership in the oil industry and redistribute the wealth generated by oil production towards the federal government, yet it was unpopular in the west, but the government did not take the West’s opinion in consideration. One consequence has been the forging of four very different provinces into a more cohesive regional whole than previously. The other consequences are an economic discontentment, irritation of the west, loss of faith in the government to point where most of Albertans were in favor of separation from Canada. b.…show more content…
When it comes to diversity, it became a Canadian value by method adopted by Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, 1965. With the accommodation of the French and the English, Canada became tolerant to diversification with the acceptance of two different languages and two different governments (constitutional diversity). Canada is tolerant for minorities and heterogeneous. For instance, with the Royal Commission on Aboriginal people Canada demonstrated to which extent diversity is important. In addition, in 1963 Multiculturalism was officially recognized. When it comes to egalitarianism, Canada is concerned with removing barriers that prevent individuals from achieving their full potential. A perfect example of this value would be the equalization payments that were made towards the have not provinces and the equality of women i.e. ability to vote, but also equal pay at

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