Water Scarcity Thesis

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Based on a research I have been doing about water scarcity, it is obvious that water shortage is real. It is true that our world is covered up with water 71 percent which is equal to two-third of the whole world surface but 96.5 percent of them is sea water and another 3.5 percent is freshwater lakes and frozen water locked up in glaciers and the polar ice caps (Williams, 2014). Thus, only 2.5 percent of water is fresh and consumable which is actually inadequate for the whole world population that is rising dramatically. Water shortage is becoming severe problem as water scarcity can lead to the shortage of food consequently since agricultural industry uses up almost 70 percent of overall withdrawal. Besides, water deficiency is now occurring…show more content…
Water is becoming a ‘New Oil’ as the demand is growing while its supply is limited. As a consequence, private companies become aware of this issue and try to occupy water resources so that they can bargain it in the higher price when water scarcity existed more critically. When the price of water increase, the poor will not be able to afford clean water and it will lead to the human right problem as a result. Therefore, these are some primary evidences I used to support my thesis statement of water shortage is real. According to the article written by Richard M. Vogel, a professor of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University and Bhaskar Chakravorti, the Senior Associate Dean of International Business & Finance at The Fletcher School at Tufts University, as water becomes rarer and harder to access to its resources, water has been…show more content…
All people have the right to safe drinking water, sanitation, shelter and basic services.” (Ki-moon, N.D.) , Bun Ki-moon, UN Secretary General states about the human rights in clean water and human’s basic needs. Based on the United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs(UNDESA), water should be sufficient for everyone, safe to drink, water facilities should be culturally accepted, physical accessible, and water must be in an affordable price. These are the ideal human rights in water. As human being, water should be accessible and affordable for everyone. However, some places in the world are currently facing with water scarcity by some reasons such as geographic and economic factors. Some countries has excessive water resources and take it for granted while some countries are actually in a critic of lacking in water access. For instance, people in most European countries consume 200 to 300 litres a person a day while people in some African countries consume less than 10 litres a person a day due to the lack of access to water source in developing countries like Mozambique. In a number of developing countries, water facilities are located further than 1 kilometre from people’s habitations and each day people have to walk to unstandardized water

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