Cover Water is the elixir of life. NASA scientists and astronomers have used this principle to determine whether life existed on other planetary bodies. Planet Earth is fortunate to have this precious resource. However, according to statistics from the UN, 780 million people do not have access to clean water and almost 2.5 Billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. [1] Singapore has always emphasized the scarcity of water as seen in our huge investment in water technology (NEWater & desalination
semi-dry part of the Middle East is facing a very serious water crisis. This crisis is mainly due to the ongoing and fast growth of the population, unwise agricultural development, qat cultivation and the absence of regulatory rules on the use of water. AIM OF THE ESSAY The main objective of the present essay is to investigate and have a thorough look at the water situation in Yemen, background, causes, facts and present some possible solutions. Coming from Yemen myself and witnessing the situation