Washington Irving Research Paper

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The relations and differences between American and European Romantic Trends and its impact on Washington Irving Sevil Qurbanova Master Student Qafqaz University sevil.qurbanova@yahoo.com ABSTRACT It would be better to mention that while the first sparks of Romantic trend started to flash in the US literature there were sound reasons to make it burn lightly. And the best way was to refer to the European Romanticism which already proved itself, reached the culmination of development with the contributions of its great representatives, highlighted with the number of publications and readers, especially in the US. This issue caused to emerge the thought among European litterateurs of the time about the American Romanticism as it was in…show more content…
Specially focusing on superstitions, using of various ranges of symbols, personification of some objects including animals in chains of works serving to attract and control the reader’s attention, thoughts and power reflect how the ideas of European romanticist penetrated into works of the US romanticists. The US romanticists never avoided referring to European romanticists’ works, in the opposite this they adapted their thoughts to their own culture to create national literature. Washington Irving, being one of the great representatives of the US Romantic trend, about his works always mentioned that he tried to bring historical stories to the literature giving them new and different color within his abilities of depiction. He was an author of short stories, essays, histories, biographies and travel accounts. His best known works are his short stories “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” that appeared in “The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent”. The difference between American Romanticism and European Romanticism was to create a national literature and open a track for the post-period representatives of the critical-realism. The measures, in the direction to attain the target, charged American Romanticists with very responsible…show more content…
As an elementary example we can point out the German tale, Fredrick Barbarossa, which had been adapted by Irving to their national culture – this tale full of tragedy mood following the hero of the spoken tale till the end. But about the Rip Van Winkle we cannot say the same words. Because Irving was outside the tragedy, the bullets of his literary gun were intelligent humor, subtle irony, play with thoughts, sense and language to hit the mark in the direction of controlling the reader’s power, thoughts and activity. Also Washington Irving in his works, specially in the story of Rip Van Winkle mentioned about the greediness which became the ridiculous point. Another typical feature of European Romanticism, personification of beings, we can see in Irving’s work, “Legend of Prince Ahmed Al Kamel, or The Pilgrim of Love”, one of the titles including in “The Alhambra”, or the New Sketch Book – romantic work which besides this story covers 30 tales with Arabic and Gothic colors. Irving in “Legend of Prince Ahmed Al Kamel, or The Pilgrim of Love” gave personification to hawk, owl, bat, swallow, parrot and dove by Ahmed’s addressed question to them “What is love?” [2,

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