INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Growth is essential for a healthy sustenance and survival of any firm in this competitive world. There are two growth routes available to any company: - organic and inorganic. The Theory of the Firm’s Growth Penrose states that the growth rate of the firm will decline with its age. Organic growth beyond certain size or age is a big challenge and hence inorganic growth gains significance. Inorganic growth means growing through mergers and acquisitions. The inorganic growth
A STUDY ON VERTICAL MOBILITY OF EMPLOYEES IN PRIVATE BANKING SECTOR WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CUDDALORE DISTRICT CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO BANKING Bank is defined in many ways by various authors in the book son economics and commerce. It is very difficult to define a bank; because a bank performs multifarious functions may be defined in many ways according to their functions. The evolution of different types of banks, each specializing in a particular field, gives emphasis on each