Wall Street Movie Analysis

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Wall Street is the original home of the New York stock exchange. It is the name given to the financial and investment community including stock exchanges, large banks, securities, underwriting firms and big businesses. The film “Wall Street” is based on the 2008 financial crisis. A man named Gordan Gekko is released from prison. He was behind bars for 8 years for inside trading and mail fraud. 7 years later he is promoting his new book, “Is greed good?” A man named Jake is introduced along with his fiancée Winnie. Jake is a top proprietary trader at Keller Zabel Investments and is trying to raise money for a project on alternative energy and is assisting his mother financially. Winnie runs a small nonprofit news website and also happens to be Gordan Gekkos daughter. During the film…show more content…
A stockholder is an individual or organisation that own one or more shares of the company and stock brokers can buy these shares. In the film they also deal with a sale which is the activity in the business where a business sells goods and services. Different types of sales include cash sales which is the cash collected when a business makes a sale; credit sales which is cash paid over a period of time and advanced payment sales which is when a customer pays before the sale is made. Another link from the movie and business would be management skills. An example of a person who showed good management skills would be Jake and at times also Louis Zabel. They are both strong leaders and help motivate the employees of the company. A good example of an entrepreneur is Winnie. She saw an opportunity in the market and started her own nonprofit online political magazine. She displays good entrepreneurial skills which include being creative and innovative, motivational and she is also able to make quick decisions. Her father continues to display unethical business behavior such as stealing the money and doing anything to stay on

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