Uniform Anatomical Gift Act Analysis

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Advance Directives are described in our text as legally binding declarations produced by the patient for help making requests to others known about end of life treatment. There are four different advance directives such as do not resuscitate order (DNR), living will, power of attorney or healthcare proxy, and Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (organ donation). A DNR is put into place when a patient does not wish to take extreme measures to save their life during cardiac arrest. DNR is only recommended for terminally ill patients with less than six moths to live or the elderly whose request is to die naturally. A living will is a legal document in which it states the patient’s wishes regarding life-sustaining measures; such as life support. The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act states that any individual eighteen or older to donate any body parts after death. Medical professionals can use the organ donations for…show more content…
Where as palliative care is used to lower any pain as patients face near death. This form of care is not meant to prolong life. (Caldwell & Connor. pg 149. 2012.). In this particular case study the patient wishes to receive palliative care because he is not following physicians orders and seeing the oncologist for his colon care. The physician believes by sending him to an oncologist he is prolonging his cancer treatment. When a physician is withdrawing treatment from a patient they are stopping any treatment that has already been started. This can be applied to this particular case study if the physician were to start chemotherapy on the patient and then stop due to the patient’s wishes. When a physician is withholding treatment this means that the physician will not be starting treatment. This can be applied to this particular case because the patient is making it known that chemotherapy is not a treatment he wishes to partake in. (Caldwell & Connor. pg. 151.

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