Ultron Pacifism

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Now that I have discussed the views of post Just War Theorists and Pacifist I can evaluate which side of the spectrum Ultron is placed. In the film we saw the creation of Ultron beginning with the failures of Tony Stark leading to the last piece in, Loki’s scepter, needed to create the Artificial Intelligence Program that Stark lusted for. The film does not specifically distinguish the true origin of Ultron’s views. We see elements of Tony Stark inside of Ultron, mostly it appeared to be the darker elements of Tony’s mind; This is why Ultron spoke in the same unique narcissistic tone that distinguishes him from all the other characters. The mind stone was the same power which created The Vision. As we know The Vision displayed a rather neutral…show more content…
program that’s what its purpose is. Ultron quickly formed the belief that human extinction was the only possible solution to implementing world peace. After seeing the film for the first time we quickly point our finger in blame towards Tony Stark. After watching the film on multiple occasions that opinion was quickly thrown out the window. Ultron first looks into what peace meant and saw events involving Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and the Pope. These events were quickly replaced with violent World War II pictures and many videos of explosions, Ultron specifically says, “Too Much…Oh no”(Avengers). Jarvis, who is Tony’s computer program then says that Ultron was in Distress and Ultron replies with, “Yes” and begins to attack Jarvis. As insignificant of a scene as I thought this was, it was one of the most important sequence of events of the movie. Breaking down this scene we see that Ultron was researching what peace meant when it quickly turned to explosions and gun shots the program became overwhelmed. Ultron formed the view that human nature was the reason that these conflicts occurred. The program as we know goes on a reign of terror on its conquest to human…show more content…
I don’t think that Ultron was wrong though. For as many good people and deeds society can contribute to the world it only takes one individual to think differently or act in another matter. I, as does Ultron, believe that peace is not attainable as log as there are individuals who commit crimes, acts of terror, or declarations of war. There will never be a resolution to all of the fighting. One crime, battle, or war might end, but following a short time of “peace” there has always been a new conflict to arise. Ultron is not a supporter of John H. Yoder and pacifism because just war is truly the option that save/help more people. I have to distinguish that where’s Ultron’s views went wrong is that each person has a mind of there own and this is where that evil or criminal tendency comes from. Ultron just made the assumption that all humans are the same. If you include that reasoning you can see the similarities in Niebuhr and Ultron because as peace or the kingdom of God, respectively according to their beliefs, is not attainable because of the corrupt tendencies in society. Like Ultron began to process the events such as World War II Niebuhr looked toward the same event as our existences’ sinfulness. Reinhold states that just war should not be intended to harm people and I believe that Ultron’s intent was not to hurt humans it was rather to save them from themselves. It wasn’t
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