Tutles In Children Research Paper

341 Words2 Pages
I lik turtles. theawr hates tutles. i donssft know why. turtles. turles. i nwat my birthdayrtyyyyyyyyy present tobe turtsdasdadasles. i will explain why i lewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrik I lik turtles. they are very fun. i liek them so much that i always asked my mom if i could have one. this paper id very prfessional as you can see. bobby hates tutles. i dont know why. turtles. turles. i nwat my birthday present tobe turtles. i will explain why i lik turtls. they are ha4rd anderererererererererererert gvI lik turtles. they are very fun. i liek them so much that i always askeI lik turtles. they are very fun. i liek themsdsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf so much that i always asked my mom if i could have fhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgone. this paper id very prfessional as you can see.…show more content…
i dont know why. turtles. turles. i nwat my birthday present tobe turtles. i will explain why i lik turtls. thefsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdy are ha4rd and gwesdfdfsssen. my favorite colr isgreen.d my mom if i could have offffffffffqerne. this paper id very prfessional as you can see. bobby hatasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdes tutles. i dont know why. turtles. turles. i nwat my birthday present tobe turtles. i will explain why i liuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyk turtls. they are ha4rd and gween. my favorite colr isgreen.afasssssssween. my favorite colr isgreen.I lik turtles. they are very fusdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfI lik turtles. they are very fun. i liek them so much that i always asked my mom if i could have one. this paper id very prfessional as you can see. bobby hates tusdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdftles. i dont know why. turtles. turles. i nsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfwat my birthday present tobe

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