Troy University Research Paper

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I am Quinton Lindsey, a senior Mathematics Education major at Troy University. I would love to be awarded the Chancellor's Global Competitiveness Scholarship. I chose to enroll in Troy University because, as Chancellor Hawkins says, it is a university with "a culture of caring" and it is "Alabama's International University." Troy University is a unique university that prides itself on creating globally competitive students. I chose to attend "Alabama's International University" because I wished to become cultured, and there is not a better place I could go to become better educated. Currently one of my greatest enjoyments is going to Tea for Troy. Tea for Troy put me in a place where I could develop an appreciation for the vastness of this world. I went so that I could make the experience of others away from home enjoyable, and I could learn from them. Tea for Troy has rekindled one of the reasons I chose to come to Troy—to study abroad.…show more content…
Chinese culture fascinates me. Through the Confucius Institute at Troy, I have been able to paint Pandas, perform fan dances, and truly experience a fascinating way of life. When I chose to take Chinese Language classes, I was definitely "bucking the norm," but I do not wish to shy away from a challenge. The United States Military has ranked the Chinese on a one-to-five scale as a level five language. The good thing is that I already speak the only other level five language in the world, English! According to the United Nations, China has the world's largest population. I would appreciate having the opportunity to go to China because I felt that learning to communicate with the world's largest population would give me the greatest benefit to my life and support my career

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