To Kill A Mockingbird Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Harper Lee also characterizes Atticus to convey her belief of justice for all races. Atticus is one of the most educated and respected men in Maycomb, and he also encompasses an extremely rare attitude of acceptance. He fearlessly defends Tom Robinson, a black man. Atticus has no shame in spite of the popular belief that it is ridiculous to defend an African American who is an accused rapist. His virtually futuristic outlook on justice for black Americans represents Harper Lee’s views on racism. When talking to his son, Jem, who resents Tom’s conviction, Atticus says, “‘...The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box’” (Lee, 252). Lee reveals that she shares Atticus’s beliefs on…show more content…
9). The speaker recognizes that he is intentionally meant to sit in the back of the train due to his skin color. Hughes individualizes the speaker through imagery in the lines “Where’s the horse / For a kid that’s black?” (ll. 12-13). This image implies that the speaker believes that “a kid that’s black” needs his own lesser horse. Additionally, the image of the horse on the merry-go-round symbolizes the speaker’s unmoving position in society. On a merry-go-round, the horses cannot pass by each other, and they remain in the same position through every cycle of the ride. By depicting the image of a horse on a merry-go-round, Hughes creates a metaphor that exemplifies the speaker’s inevitable isolation. Through these images of separation, Hughes indicates that the speaker believes that racial integration in pleasures, such as riding a merry-go-round, is

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