Tkamb Courtroom Debate

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TKAMB Courtroom Debate Closing Remarks The prosecution didn’t face a threat on that night of Halloween. The jury didn’t face a threat that night and nor did the members of the jury. Only two people did, Jeremy Atticus Finch and Jean Louise Finch. Although Bob Ewell tried with all his might to take their lives, Jem and Scout were fortunate enough to survive. In a drunken state, he broke Jem’s arm and tried to stab and choke Scout. The shock caused to Jem after his arm broke led him to a state of unconsciousness. Then how could he have possibly fought Mr. Ewell? I strongly believe that Jem Finch is not responsible for the death of Bob Ewell because Jem wasn’t physically stable due to his fractured arm, that he had supported Mrs. Dubose when she…show more content…
As evident in the text when Scout said “Jem didn’t answer… The man was walking with the staccato steps of someone carrying a load too heavy for him. He was going around the corner. He was carrying Jem. Jem’s arm was dangling crazily in front of him” (Lee 352). This statement describes the situation in which Jem didn’t respond to Scout’s screams. It leads in to inform the reader that a man (Arthur Radley) is carrying Jem which clearly proves that Jem is not in a state where he could walk home himself and since Jem’s arm is broken it is hanging in front of the individual carrying him. Jem wasn’t capable enough to even stop Mr. Ewell from hurting his sister thus proving that he couldn’t have possibly harmed Bob. Moreover, Jem has always been an obedient child and the only time he has ever shown aggression was when Mrs. Dubose rudely commented on Atticus. He had cut the tops off every camellia bush she owned. However, he did repent for his mistake which was evident when he read to Mrs. Dubose everyday as a punishment. To show her gratitude and forgiveness towards Jem, she gave him a candy box during her last breaths. The box contained a Snow-on-the-Mountain camellia bush. She gave him this flower because she wanted Jem to know that he had earned

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