Tiny Beautiful Things Cheryl Srayed Analysis

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There are many elements in our lives that define who we are. These elements vary and each person has their own position on which element is the most important to the human experience, such as being honest, being a good friend, or making wise life decisions. Writers often incorporate their interpretation of the most important element of being human into their writings. While there are many prominent examples of this throughout literature, one author that displays her beliefs very prominently is Cheryl Strayed. In her book Tiny Beautiful Things, Strayed focuses primarily on the idea that human beings must follow their own hearts in order to find happiness and be at true peace with themselves in her work. Throughout Tiny Beautiful Things,…show more content…
Go! Go! and the response it warrants from Strayed are both clear cut and right to the point in their message to Dear Sugar’s readers. Without hesitation, Cheryl Strayed urges Considering Going Solo to follow his heart and leave everything behind. She believes that Solo should do whatever he needs to do to prevent him from looking back on his life with regrets and makes this evident when she tells him, “Do not enter the era of child-rearing and real jobs with a guitar case full of crushing regret for all the things you wish you’d done in your youth” (Strayed, p.92). At another point in her response, Strayed states that many of the people she knew who abandoned their dreams became “mingy, addled, shrinkwrapped versions of the people they intended to be” (Strayed, p.93). She seems to fear that Solo may end up in the same position if he allows his bandmates’ feelings to make his decision for him, leaving his older self a hollowed shell devoid of old ambitions and passions. For this reason, Cheryl Strayed continues to push him to fulfill his desire to leave his band behind and explore what life has to offer. Strayed concludes her response by promising Considering Going Solo that no matter what challenges he faces along the way, he will be better off following his heart rather than staying in place, “It will be soul-smashingly beautiful, Solo. It will open up your life” (Strayed, p.93). She wants him…show more content…
Strayed tells the women that them wanting to leave is enough of a reason to do so and that sticking around will not benefit them, even if it is hard to get up the courage to leave. She wants the women to realize that they do not need to make excuses for their situations or worry about pleasing others, as they have valid reasons to want to leave their relationships behind; this is further emphasized on page 172, when she says, “Your desire to leave is not only valid, but probably the right thing to do. Even if someone you love is hurt by that.” Not only does Strayed believe that the women are capable of making the best possible decision for themselves by following their hearts, but she also believes that putting their needs first will be best for their significant others. She encourages the women to make a clean break for their own sake and to allow their husbands to find the love they deserve elsewhere. She finishes her response by telling the women that they cannot continue to pretend they are happy, as “the truth that lives there [the core] will eventually win out” (Strayed, p.174). Strayed knows that the women

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