Thesis About Modernism In Tanzania

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PART A Modernism PART B In door climate and building style PART C Indoor climate as modified by the building TABLE OF CONTENTS Thesis arrangement 2 Table of contents 3 Acknowledgements 5 Back Ground To the Study 6 PART A Modernism Chapter 1 General Introduction 7 Prior The Advent Of The Modernist Movement 8 Prior The Advent Of The Modern Architecture In Tanzania. 8 Origin And Evolution Of Modernist Movement. 12 Modernist Movement In Tanzania. 13 St. Peter’s Church 17 Dar es Salaam Central Library. 26 Extelcoms Building. 45 Residence magistrate court Kisutu 59 Umoja wa vijana wa CCM 63 Nkurumah hall UDSM 66 Boys hostel at Ardhi University 70…show more content…
In pursuing this study, I am indebted to many institutions as well as individual persons. The first one is the Harbor City University under the leadership of the former President of HCU Prof. Steven Spier for admitting me in their program that I was fortunate to be among the first students from East Africa. A few individuals in their own capacities and at very personal levels at ARU supported me. Specifically my sincere thanks go to my supervisors: Professor Wolfgang Willkomm, and Professor Hermann Hipp, for their tireless guidance, comments and encouragement. Special thanks to Dr. Ing. Jens Rohwedder, for his intellectual inspiration, guidance and support. Mrs. Roswitha Rohwedder, for her unlimited hospitality, care, understanding. I am grateful to Dr. Ciryacus Lwamayanga and Dr. Ludigija Bulamile for their continuous encouragement, reading my document and giving me very constructive criticism and advices. I am especially indebted to Hamburg Municipal Department of Education without borders for the sponsorship of my second trip to…show more content…
Dr. Ing. Bernd Kritzmann were very helpful to me; Prof. Dr. Udo Dietrich, Dr. Joachim Thiel, Prof. O. Braun, Prof. Werner Osterhaus, Dipl. Ing Arch. Peter M. Friemert, Arch. Prof. Klaus Sill, Prof. Hartmut F G Frank, Prof. Dr. Michael Koch, Neils Helle Meyer the Vice president Administration, Professor Mitto, Vice President Prof Arch. Bernd Kritzmann, and Dipl. Ing. Nicki Fleischmann. My true gratitude is due to many colleagues at Ardhi University including Fred Nderimo, Late Simon Mhando(RIP), Owden Mwakipesile, Fortunatus Bahendwa, Shubira Kalugila, Jaffari Salehe, Awadh Abdallah, Liberatus Mrema, Daniel Mbisso, C.T Lekule, Kamugisha Byabato, for their academic and moral support and and Chistina Shenkalekwa, Kisa Mwailupe, for their long time secretarial support in .the Department I am grateful to Arch Beda Jonathan Amuli, Arch Anthony Bosco Almeida, Arch Ezekiel Z Moshi, who were my key interviewees, My gratitude is also due to my daughter Judith for her love and unfailing support. My heartfelt gratitude is due to my mother Simphorosa Temu and my late father Paul Rimoy for their love and

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