Theoretical Theory Of Writing Ability

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CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In this chapter of this research paper consists of the concept of writing ability, the concept of extensive reading, the relationship between writing and extensive reading, and the previous study. A. Concept of writing ability 1. Notion of writing Writing is one of the four skills that is necessary to be learned. According to Richard (1990, in Trong, 2011:121), writing skill is deemed to be difficult for EFL students in the language learning. It means that to be able to write, students need to learn it. By learning to write students are expected to become easily to write down their ideas. According to Harmer (2007: 3), writing has to be taught. He further explained that the spoken language, for a child,…show more content…
In this era, the need of the new way to teach writing has been increasing. So the teachers are expected to be able to do approaches to make the students enjoy to learn writing. According to Hyland (2009: 7-8) there are three approaches to teach writing: The first approach focuses on the products of writing by examining texts, either through their formal surface elements or their discourse structure. The second approach, divided into Expressivist, Cognitivist and Situated strands, focuses on the writer and describes writing in terms of the processes used to create texts. The third approach emphasises the role that readers play in writing, adding a social dimension to writing research by elaborating how writers engage with an audience in creating texts. From the statement above, it can be said that to teach writing the teachers need to choose which approach that best suit with the situation in the field, what the students need, and what the problems that need to be solved with that approach. But most of them are created in order to make the students able to produce or to compose their own product in the term of…show more content…
But Kennedy and Bolitho (In Escribano, 1999) considered that the problem of teaching reading and writing to students are similar in that both activities are concerned with a written text rather than with the spoken word. “The actual content of the written text may be the same but the difference is that reading is concerned with the recognition of aspects of that structure, whereas writing has to do with the production of the text. In this respect reading may be regarded as a necessary precondition for any writing task since the writer must be aware of the students of a particular type of writing before he can produce it.” (Kennedy & Bolitho, in Escribano: 1999) Good reading is an evidence by a dialog betwen the writers’ ideas and those in the text they are using, as well as understanding, demonstrated through writing, of the conventions of source use—from interpretation to citational practices. This means both reading and writing are related to one another. This statement is also stated by Carell and Carson. They said, “Reading strategies must be taught that will enable learners to comprehend the text in a way that will allow them to produce an appropriate essay. ... Because task based learning is grounded in learners’needs.” (Carell & Carson, in Escribano:

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