The Virgin Of Guadalupe By Benjamin West: Painting Analysis

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In the European Art section of the San Antonio Museum of Art is Benjamin West’s painting, Noah Sacrificing after the Deluge. Painted around the year 1800, the artist chose a medium of oil paint on canvas. The painting itself is quite large, as it is six feet tall and roughly eleven feet wide. In the painting it shows a man at an alter (Noah), standing with both his arms open and looking up as the smoke ascends. West draws your eye to Noah by painting him as the largest figure in the painting, and dressing him in a bright, warm color which contrasts against the muted background. On the left side of the painting there are seven figures behind Noah with various expressions, and poses. One man throws his hands up, there are three women clustered together, one man is crouching down, and two men are laying on their knees. On the right side of the altar there are two doves, one perched on a…show more content…
It’s artist remains unknown, however it is known that this artwork was painted sometime in the eighteenth century, and that the artist used oil on canvas. The painting is relatively large as it sits at approximately seven to seven and a half feet tall and roughly 5 feet wide. The painting consists of a woman with dark skin, a pink robe, and a blue mantel. She sits atop a crescent that is being held up by a young boy. Behind her are golden, and yellow rays, making her appear very heavenly, and behind the rays are a floral pattern that covers the majority of the space in the painting. In each of the corners is a separate image. In the top left corner there are two men admiring the painting of virgin that is replicated in each of the corner. In the top right corner there are two additional figures looking at the painting. The bottom left has a single man admiring the replicated painting, and in the bottom right there is a man wearing a cloak with the image of the virgin on

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