Cotton Gin Research Paper

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In 1793 a man named Eli Whitney invented a machine that changed the way americans did things forever. The machine was called the cotton gin. It was used for separating the cotton fibers from the seeds. It was such a big deal because it would blow through two bales of cotton per day and it did not break or snarl the fibers of cotton. The invention of the cotton gin led to the growth and development of the factory system in the United States. The factory system from there became part of the shaping of factory systems in the 21st century. The cotton gin made making clothes and fabrics a lot faster. The machines we use today are modeled with the same concept as the cotton gin; to make their jobs easier, make more product along with more money.…show more content…
The owners of these factories went to orphanages to find children to hire. They hired children because they were cheap labor and they could be replaced easily. Being employed by the factories meant they were free of parental authority, able to earn their own money and had broader educational opportunities. People viewed this as threat to the traditional roles of women and a challenge to the American way of life. Others called this a form of slavery. The conditions of the factories were harsh and unreasonable. There were no safety precautions and safety clothing was nonexistent. Employees wore their everyday outfits, which were loose and a danger to them. They would not be protected from the dangers the factory from the safety precautions. If something fell between the machines, despite the immediate danger, the children would have to go and retrieve them. If a child got hurt, they would go to the orphanages and replace them. What was the working conditions like during the Industrial Revolution? Well, for starters people who worked made up 80% of the population had no negotiational powers with their bosses. If they tried to go on strike or reason for better conditions they were fired and replaced extremely easily. There were a lot of orphans, adults, and immigrants who can take their

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