The Terrorist's Son Response Essay

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The feeling a person gets and thoughts differ for a specific story. Emotions, I say is can be varied for person to person. The book, The Terrorist’s Son was just another story in my opinion. After reading chapter 1-4, I still have annoyed feelings about it. I may just be a heartless person, to life stories. The empathy was there though. I understood the main character “Z”, Zak Ebrahim. The story however did not bring any shocks, nor surprises. It is just another life story. Growing up, I was raised in a great single parent home; my father died when I was five. This forced my mom to do a lot, and for me to grow up before my time. I barely saw my mom because she worked hard; she was a great mother because I never went without something I wanted…show more content…
The connection between the husband and wife was not a marriage I agree on. Their first mistake was getting married; getting married is more than just getting along or being in the same religion or even beauty, the person needs to know who they are. The parents obviously did not know each other very well. The fact that the mother listened to the father lies and never realized he was telling her false statements was ridiculous. It was obvious, especially from his past behaviors and situations he been through. Things people go through can make them bitter, or they can just ignore it and live out their best lives. The father did not. He acted very immature and pathetic to problems that arise in his life. The parents also made me upset by moving too often. They both did not have a good job, so why keep moving putting your family in less of a hope, or beneficial ground. Even more, I was very upset with the lies the father told. Letting your emotions out and being honest is the best thing you can do for people you love and care about. I really felt that the father was selfish. He was very untruthful the terrible acts he committed. It is wrong to not tell your family, your kids the truth about crisis going on. Hiding information leads to more heartbreak and devastation to a person, child, and or

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