The Tempest Character Analysis

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Have you ever read “The Tempest”by William Shakespeare? If not then you really should! The plot is amazing, the conflict is extraordinary. The characters vary in the way they act. Some are cruel and mean, and some are like angels, completely innocent. Others are in the middle, they can be persuaded to do evil things, as-well as good. Find out how these characters, Miranda, Prospero, Ariel, Caliban,Ferdinand, and Stephano are the way they are, and why they did what they did. (Thesis >)Trust me, these characters are pretty cool. Miranda is Prospero's daughter and is a 15 year old girl who was raised on an island by her father, with Caliban, a man older than her, who tried to rape her in the past. She is gentle and compassionate, from her very…show more content…
When Prospero and Miranda arrives on the island, he shows them the secret of the island, in return Prospero and Miranda educated Caliban. Caliban does not seem thankful for the education. He uses the language he was taught to curse and complain about Prospero and Miranda. He initially appears bad because of his mother. Although he doesn't seem to try to hard in making himself a good guy. The physical appearance of Caliban isn't completely certain. Each character describes him differently in the play. Caliban is insolent and rebellious. He is controlled by Prospero because of magic, other wise Caliban would not be a slave. Caliban claims the Isle his own, and that Prospero stole it from him. When Caliban was gathering logs for Prospero in the play, he met Trinculo and Stephano. Caliban convinces Stephano and Trinculo to murder Prospero in his sleep, but they, being Stephano and Trinculo, got distracted by clothes that Prospero owns. Caliban absolutely despises Prospero because not only did he “steal” his Isle but Caliban believes it was Prospero's fault for his mother's, the witch that imprisoned Ariel in a tree, Sycorax's death. Caliban might be ruthless and cruel at times...okay, most of the time,but he is also very calm and sweet in his own way. He loves the Isle he was born on. He describes it with such beauty you wouldn't think he was a monster if you didn't know any better. “Be…show more content…
Caliban's bond with Miranda didn't change, although his bond with Prospero seemed to strengthen. Caliban apologized to Prospero and offered his services back to him. Prospero set Ariel free at the end of the play and Ariel was overjoyed and promised to still help him when he needs true help with something. Miranda and the others never found out about Ariel. Somehow, no one but Ariel and Prospero knew that everything that happened in the play was caused by Ariel and Prospero rising the tempest in the beginning of the play. Prospero gets his Dukedom back from his brother. Although it seems, to me at least, that the only reason he got it back as because Prospero revealed that his brothers son, Ferdinand, was in fact alive. To be honest, I think that Miranda and Ferdinand's relationship is beautiful and true and sweet but it's also a little weird. I mean, they are cousins. Alonzo and Prospero are brothers, and Ferdinand is Alonzo's son. Miranda is Prospero's daughter. Prospero brought them together with the help of Ariel by causing the tempest, and left them thinking it was fate that brought them together. Miranda thought she was choosing her own husband, her own life, but she was wrong. At the end of the play Prospero gave up his magic, and went to pack for Milan. Miranda, Ferdinand, Alonzo, and everyone else headed to Naples to celebrate the marriage of the new king and queen of Naples.

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