The Safety Memo Summary

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The main character outlined in “The Safety Memo” case is Gordon Baldwin. Gordon worked for 10 years for Pacific Bell, a highly structured and unionized phone company. He resigned from his job and tried out his luck in the jewelry business. But he realized he needed a stable, salaried job to support his family. Trying to rejoin his previous employer, he was disappointed to find out it was not hiring at that time. So he took up a job with at the Cable Company as a cable TV field technician. Though his job was similar to his previous one, the environment was a lot different. In sharp contrast to Pacific Bell, the Cable Company was fast-paced, entrepreneurial and non-unionized. Being the 12th largest in the nation and having offices country-wide,…show more content…
One of them was Joan, VP of the Southern California region, elected as the region’s sponsor for the safety committee. Terry, a member of her staff was enlisted to head this committee. Gordon, with his concern for safety, became a volunteer, and was subsequently appointed System safety coordinator by Terry upon Ron’s (Gordon’s boss) approval. Gordon now had a dual role. Sixty percent of his time was spent as a CATV technician while loss control activities took up the remainder of his time. After numerous recommendations being put forward by Gordon, no substantial improvements took place. Despite receiving positive reviews for his work from various managers, Bob (Ron’s manager) was reluctant to implement Gordon’s ideas. Gordon was disillusioned with the company. He felt he was not being taken seriously as he was just a technician. His ideas were not being adopted due to budgetary constraints and a generic resistance to new procedures that plagues most organizations. Gordon’ became frustrated since he thought his recommendations were important and suitable to the company’s safety policy. So he decided to write a memo, which he aptly titled ‘The Safety Memo’. In response to the memo, Gordon was asked to see Bob, the Gen. Manager. He was instructed to meet Gil to clarify some misleading statements in the memo he had written. Having heard stories about Gil’s authoritarian behavior and reputation of being uncompassionate, Gordon was scared of losing his

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