The Role Of Spreading Light In The Awakening, By Edith Wharton
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In a prelude it begins with a quote, “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.-Edith Wharton. To then the story starts off with a series of flashbacks, starting off where two children, Stella and Regis, playing with fire in their parents kitchen. Stella has a fascination with it as she likes lighting them however, her brother, Regis always blows them out. One time Regis is not quick enough in Stella gets her fingertips burned. The two children are scolded by their mother “fire is a dangerous thing and should not be trifled with.” Stella and Regis say nothing as they watch their mother hide the matches. In a series of flashbacks it shows how Stella and Regis grow older; from Regis joining a track